Saturday, March 29, 2008

Talkin' Politics

The other night was really fun for me. I went out for the first time in a long time. While I was out, I had the chance to discuss one of my favorite topics: Politics.

Now, for me, politics is not a game or a sport. I don't get off on someone getting shunned in the media, like Spitzer or Craig, but I do like when people realize their political leanings and realize what is best for their situation.

Back to my conversation, I got to talk about what I envision for the future of America. Because most people don't realize that they lean to the left, I needed to remind people why being a "liberal" is a good thing.

What I like is the idea of creating new industry in the green world. The term "Green Collar Worker" is a way for Americans of every stripe to make a living. From those that can engineer the new technologies to those that can assemble the products. It is, basically, a way for America to make up for all the jobs we ship to third-world countries.

I also talked to how conservatism only works in a bubble. You see, it works if you live in a little cabin and forage and make your won way but, if you live in the modern world, conservatism doesn't work at all. You see, while people want to be a part of the "me" generation, you have to share the infastructure, the sewage lines and the same power grid. We need roads plowed, paved, rebuilt for our vehicles and for our commerce to move about. We have one world in common. That is one of the main reasons I write this thing, to talk about our commonalities.

This is where I give you ammunition. The next time you get into it with someone wanting to talk about how bad it would be to be with the liberals, tell them that you all share the same world and, like it or not, you have to learn to get along and agree on things.


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