Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wisconsin recall sadness

This Wisconsin recall election, and the kind of comments I read after the articles about it, make me a sad person.

The fact that democracy is a game of who can hurt the other side more rather than actually standing for something makes me feel doomed for our future.

While the blame for the world's problems are handed about to whoever wants to actually do something about anything, frankly, we have a divide that seems too ignorant to continue.

When one side demonizes the other, they seem to speak from inexperience. They don't understand what makes up the other side's opinion, they just know they don't agree with it.

And let's face it: We don't want to agree with each other, not really. Instead we dig in and fight harder until our behavior will be the end of us. No logical course to it, just a fight that means only that we only give a little attention to what we were fighting about in the first place.

It feels like elections are too little, too late. After all, we, the people, are fighting for sanity rather than reality. We choose to ignore the parts we don't like and think with our hearts. And all sides want a piece of it.

The unfortunate outcome will be that nothing will have been fixed and things will really only get worse as we play into the politics of distraction. Just listen to the vitriol and try to see differently.

I just wish elections didn't come down to what we currently have. It's a shame because we really do have more in common than we pretend we don't.