Saturday, April 19, 2008

The American can't afford it

I work enough hours at my job to make some money and have some fun. But the reality is that I am stuck in a rut and, frankly, I think a lot of people are in the same rut.

You see, I'm not talking about what one does for a living but rather what that income can get you. If someone makes $30,000 annually, could the afford to buy a house? And, if they could afford a house, could they even afford to keep it?

I wonder this because, with simple lifestyle I have, I can't imagine owning a property on what I make. I could have a roommate, sure, but that's not what I would want. But I have one now and own nothing.

I think that we have gone far off course in America insofar as we all cannot have the dreams because we have been forced into stations, stations where, even if you do what you were supposed to do, you might not get a chance due to something beyond your control.

I like to write. I have compiled dozens of works and work on new things all the time. But the only way I can be a writer of my choosing is to hope that someone, somewhere, gives me a shot. Otherwise I am just another waiter.

I know I went off track there but that's what I am writing today.


1 comment:

Krista said...

Nick, I hear you. It's a struggle, for sure. We sacrificed a lot so that Ian could go back to school, and we're just now at a point where we can finally buy a house (as a couple - no way either of us could individually). I think it's awesome that you continue to write, doing what you love. That really is the most important thing. Everything else is just material junk in the end.