Friday, May 30, 2008

Writing too much

I have run into a productivity problem as of late. I am writing too much. Not that I am producing any finished product, I am unfocused.

I am writing on several projects that have nothing to do with each other and trying to do too much. I started many years ago coming up with concept after concept, bits of dialogue or pages of fiction that were thoughts put to paper.

For a while I would find that this worked well, since I am scattered as is. But as I stopped finish one work after the other, I had all these works that require a focus that I got, well, too lazy to put in. Now I have many products and no conclusive endings ready to rock out.

My girlfriend asked me, the other day, what I was working on. While I was painting a statue I worked on last week and glueing together the pieces for a short film, I was also trying to work on a screenplay, a short story and three separate plays which are almost half complete. But, when asked, I could not tell her what the plot of the plays were. I just couldn't come up with it. If I had I would be done, I figure. But here I sit, nothing done in the last couple of months.

Having the ADD thing is a tough thing. While it allows one to be creative and do a lot of different things, it never allows for complete satisfaction. I end up toiling a lot, doubting even more and never fully satisfied.

I hope I can figure it out soon so I can move on. I have soooo much in the pipeline and I feel like I am running out of time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Got drugs?!