Monday, May 12, 2008

Be afraid of the biker shorts!

Today I went out for a ride. I told myself, last night, that I was going to go for a ride in the morning. Understandably I was tired from working the night prior but I was determined to do it. I had all the gear ready... accept for the shorts.

I bought a pair of cycling shorts when I got my other clothing. But today was colder and, well, I am not the most slender of people. I have nice legs but, after trying the things on, I decided against it.

But I did wear my biking cleats. I was nervous about getting the shoe clips, hearing about dropping ones bike on themselves and all but it went smashing. I used to sell the things, for crying out loud! I knew how to put them on and take them off so it wasn't a challenge. Not even the first time I had to stop and get out of the clip.

I did about 4-5 miles, I wasn't counting. I just rode until I got to a comfortable distance and then turned around. It was therapeutic, to say the least. I recommend it to everyone, since gas is going supernova.

See you on the trails!


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