Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yay and boo!!!

Yay for obesity rates not rising anymore! Boo for those not willing to understand that there body isn't for excess food storage!

Boo for Haiti earthquake!

Yay for sun shining on my world today! Boo for the general ignorance to global warming!

Yay for opportunity! Boo for putting it off!

Boo to caring about celebrities! Yay for those that use said celebrity to affect change for good!

Yay for coffee! Boo for caffeine addiction!

Yay for neat and fascinating technology! Boo for holding back and only funding ones to make money!

Boo to terrorism. You're killing the wrong people! Yay for the passive resistant, for their message will overcome!

Yay for the differences that our the shared world! Boo to the ignorant who don't see it as a positive!

Yay for social programs! Boo to those that don't see the value in shared knowledge!

Boo to politicians for only thinking of themselves! Yay for those that keep up the good fight to make this a better world!

The world is an awesome place, if you fancy being here and being a part of it. Good or bad, it is our world in common. I love being alive, just don't try to spoil it for me.

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