Friday, November 7, 2008

Forecast depressing

Okay, here is the skinny:

I have written a play. I wrote it seven years ago. I re-wrote about 13 more times since then. I have had three readings and have submitted it to several contests around the country. No one has bit.

So I decided, back in August or so, that I would do it my damn self. I had saved some money and found a place to play it and started looking for a director and actors and began putting more and more money away.

Then I held the audition. Only a handful of people showed up and, though we found some people, it didn't fill out the cast. Speed bump one...

Then I made Cory audition and I guess that opened up a can of worms I wasn't expecting. Speed bump two hit this evening when I was informed that I do not have him as my lead because of a lack of faith.

After all this, I am hit with the notion of failure. I have failed to secure the location, failed to secure a cast and just can feel the fail coming on like a bat out of hell.

Am I just being a big baby? I sure hope not.

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