So, recently I have been thinking quite a bit about the idea of character. Having tried to be a writer, at least to myself and, more recently, putting on a play that I wrote, I have been trying to dig into what makes a character and why they do what they do.
People can either create their character or interpret the traits of other characters as a conglomeration of a bunch of things they observe.
Artists are here to do the same as well. One can either originate or interpret the work of another. They are a marriage, truly. They are necessary to the success of the other. Think about the unread book, the unseen movie, the unheard song. Without your eyes, your ears, your senses, these things exist just for themselves.
When people become conscious of who they are, of what they do, do these choose to embrace their traits or do they try to sculpt them in different ways? Example: I would like to know how to cook. After acquiring the tools of the trade, do I cook? Not really. I did make mashed potatoes and I made my version of huevos rancheros but I don't know how to cook. Ir my unplayed guitar. Good intentions but poor execution.
So, does the character, the human character, always do what is supposed to or does it try to remain an undefinable entity? I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Monday, April 20, 2009
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