Sunday, April 27, 2008

Can I get a new job?

I am not one to complain without merit. People always get that wrong about me. They think I am cynical but I am not. I am critical, yes, but not cynical. Cynicism is when you look for ways to find all that is wrong with any plan or take issue with what one says to be cruel. I, on the other hand, like to think that I see the bad in the situation and point it out... That's what you're supposed to do, isn't it?

At my workplace it is just a load of fun in the sense that those that control the situation are always, bless their hearts, making things better to make things better... Or so it seems. Like spending money on things that do not affect the operation of a restaurant. I uniforms are great, if you need to feel that your servers need look militant. Then they decided to brand so many things in our restaurant that are unnecessary. They come up with coasters that have some of drinks on them. They come up with writing our company name on the napkins. Why? Because they are afraid that the guest forgets where they are while sitting there? And, if you need to write our drinks on a coaster, then your server isn't selling, they're just serving.

I think more than at any other time in history, we have too many choices for our eating entertainment. I think this had created people who can go to a restaurant not to try anything new but to get what they are comfortable with. I, for one, do not try to stand in the way of these people. I encourage it because, just like them, I like to go to a certain place for a certain thing. Why try to change their minds unless they ask?

And this is why I need a new job. Something where I don't obsess over the stupid things that my job makes me obsess over.

The other day I also figured out that the modern sit-down restaurant is trickled down economics and it makes me ill. I have to beg my monied masters for their pittance so that I may keep my meager lifestyle going. I hate that! I am a liberal, and damn proud of it.

I wish it were easy to move into a career where I actually look forward to showing up everyday. Granted, my dreams are pretty big. I want to be a professional stage or screen writer. I work on plays and screenplays and try to come up with interesting things only to not go anywhere with it. But I keep doing it, in hopes that one day I will make it. But I am fast approaching my mid-30s and I am closing off that point where the Hollywood or Broadway machine want writers to be. Maybe I am way past the cool new kid and into the pathetic wannabe. Motherfucker!

But I'm not giving up, not yet anyway. I actually have three plays I am working on and about three screenplays that are in their early stages... Wish me luck.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's tough. I was a server for many many years, and now I'm a secretary, which is the office equivilant of being a server. You have to do as you're told and smile while doing it. But I think there's a certain sort of Zen to becoming okay with that, to realizing the freedom that comes with these jobs... and if that doesn't work, get your doc to give you some happy pills. :-) ~Krista