Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spitzer and the political stripe

Lest we all forget, idiots are idiots, hypocrites are hypocrites and we all need to just accept that, despite claims to the contrary, we are all human in the end.

Eliot Spitzer, now former governor of the state of New York, did something stupid, despite the fact that he is a Democrat. He did it because he was vain or stupid or both and paid the consequences for his action, plain and simple.

Scandals in politics are just what they are. It comes with the territory and you just need to get used to the idea that powerful people do powerful things because of their personality. 

I don't point at every scandal one party does or another and say that this is because of their political bend. I merely accept that it is a universal truth that people are going to abuse their position in life to get ahead or do things that a seemingly normal person would not do.

One can not lump the actions of one or a few individuals together and claim that all are the same way. This stereotyping has led us, as humans, to do dastardly, despicable things. Maybe we don't hire someone for a job because they're a different skin color, maybe we assume that someone is cheap because of how they dress. We are all guilty of it.

Spitzer is simply a big hypocrite and he got caught. We could assume that, because of his political stripe, all Democrats cheat on their spouses or buy prostitutes but it is simply untrue. So I hope people do not judge others of the same stripe as being the same kind of person because, unlike Spitzer, I've never paid for sex and so haven't a lot of others.

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