Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gods are silly

By the title, one would assume I was either drunk or high on drugs. But I am totally rational and this is something that has been bugging me for a long time.

Mankind has an irrational notion of a higher power. Passed on as a idea from generation to generation, with the younger ones wanting to be polite, we have created the answer to our conscious state of being as being endowed by a higher power. We have had wars over it, subjected our people to unfair and brutal punishment in its name and, all the while, relishing that these beliefs will, somehow, get us favor in an additional life we just pretty much made up to aspire to.

I was once a very young boy. In that time I did not believe in a higher power. However, as a young man, I feared that this belief would end with me being killed for not going along with my people. It was only in my 18th year did I discover there was a word for what I was: An atheist.

As time has gone on, to make friends in this world, I have cowered to their beliefs. I have also gone so far as to be polite to relatives that still hold onto the silly notion of God and, frankly, I am tired of it.

I don't mind not believing. In fact, I am proud to be an atheist, as should all who wish to openly question those that insist that society, as a whole, has been hoodwinked and suckered in the name of control.

In America, there is a feeling you can't be open about not wanting to go with what crap was taught to you by your fooled elders. We are often made to fear a fallout from the gods so that we must follow or else! When one os naive, or craves a sense of belonging, they are often made to feel that their beliefs must be validated lest they lose position in society or not get to where they want to be.

But a truth we often gloss over is that most rational people have already abandoned religion and, well, it's okay. People are moving away from the old ways, thankfully, and I firmly believe that this will be the thoughts going forward. Religion will be minimized and, hopefully, replaced by rational, positive thoughts.

If one fears that, without Gods we cannot be moral, one only has to look to history. There was morality before spirituality, it just got combined, to the dismay of those that just wanted to live in a peaceful world without feeling they absolutely "must" convert.

I believe a bigger problem is that most religions have a control aspect, where the average person must be with or against, with no in between.

Our modern American society, while becoming more tolerant, most cast aside the old ways of thinking. It is not a must convert but a must tolerate but stand up for what they believe. but maybe it isn't as visible now. Maybe we just need our leaders to stand up and out themselves.

Here is me outing myself. This holiday season, I shall stand for my reality and that is I don't share your beliefs and that's fine. Just don't expect me to pass along your messages, your ways.
